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OMHA Code of Conduct
We shall operate and maintain business practices, which reflect the high standards, set forth by the Association.

1.     We will comply with all State and Federal laws, including dealer and builder laws and installer registration requirements, and shall endeavor to keep ourselves informed of those laws governing our business.

2.     In the conduct of my individual business, I pledge to refrain from any act that would bring discredit to our industry, or association, or any individual member thereof.

3.     We have a duty of integrity, honor, and fair dealings toward the public.

4.     We will not intentionally injure the business reputation of another member or competitor.

5.     We will employ truth and accuracy in advertising and selling.

6.     We pledge that all obligations to our customers, contained in guarantees or warranties offered in connection with the manufacture, sale, and installation of our homes will be properly fulfilled within a reasonable time.

7.     We will expose or halt, where found, any scheme designed to deceive or defraud the manufactured housing buying public and aid in prosecuting those guilty of such acts.

8.     We will constantly strive to improve business methods to the end that the public will be better served.

9.     We will encourage the American system of free enterprise.

I agree to be bound by the above Code of Conduct as a condition of the acceptance of this application. I further agree to submit to arbitration, by the Association, any grievance reported to the Association that is not a matter of litigation.

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